Thanksgiving Week Training | Weekly Wrap

Welcome to the Weekly Wrap.  Thanksgiving Week training was full of themed workouts (Planksgiving is always a favorite) and lots of delicious vegan food.  Recapping week 4 of my F3 Half Marathon training plan.  Linking up with Holly and Wendy.   Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of good food and

Let the New Training Cycle Begin!

Welcome to Weekly Wrap. Let the new training cycle begin!  I have finished my base building phase of training (off-season) and am transitioning into a regular training cycle again. Linking up with Holly and Wendy for this Weekly Wrap.     I’ve had 6 weeks of an off-season and it’s time to let the

Training for a Marathon While Injured

Earlier this summer, I injured both my hamstring and adductor.  Strained them to the point where I walked with a limp for a solid week.  The injury happened two months before my marathon, when I was supposed to be running higher mileage.  How am I training for a marathon while