Let the New Training Cycle Begin!

Welcome to Weekly Wrap. Let the new training cycle begin!  I have finished my base building phase of training (off-season) and am transitioning into a regular training cycle again. Linking up with Holly and Wendy for this Weekly Wrap.



I’ve had 6 weeks of an off-season and it’s time to let the new training cycle begin! During the off-season, I followed 5 training guidelines.  About 80-90% of my week was easy zone two runs, with plenty of strength training, cross-training, mobility and agility drills added in during the week.  I also enjoyed some nice trail runs (and even won a race last weekend!).  The off-season gave me a good mental break and I am itching to get back into a structured training cycle with a defined goal race.


This week, I started training for the F3 Half Marathon.  I’ve run this race 3 times before (2016, 2017, 2018).  Last year, I trained with the EDGE training group, and this year I am one of the group coaches.  It’s amazing how much can change in a year.  DISCOUNT CODE:  If you are interested in running either the 5k or the F3 Half Marathon, use code BECCA2019 at checkout for $5.  Prices increase at the end of the month!


Monday 10/29

Run: Easy Zone 2.  Nothing noteworthy for these slow miles to start the week.  I ran from EDGE and got to see the skyline from a different view.  Followed it up with biking to and from work.

Other: Strength + Agility.  In the evening, I met Katie at EDGE to run through our agility drills before the Abs and Arms class.  Staying for class turns Monday into my longest day of the week.  I pack my breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and 3 outfit changes!  While I know that the Abs and Arms class is good for me, I think I will do my own workout earlier in the afternoon in order to get home at a more reasonable hour.


let the training cycle begin


Tuesday 10/30

Run: Speed.  The workout was a variation on last week’s workout.  1.5 miles at 26.2 pace crescendo to tempo, and then 2×1 mi crescendos to tempo.  Again I struggled to wake up (starting to think it’s more than just the weather), so I missed the Sprint Tuesday group.  Luckily, I ran into Nez on the path for my last interval which we ran together, ending on the up.  The weather and sunrise were perfect and I was happy to nail the workout and start the day with a confidence boost.

Other: METCON.  While my training cycle has started, I am still prioritizing strength while the mileage is low.  I went to On Your Mark for their METCON class – a mix of heavy weight and plyo exercises.


training cycle beginning


Wednesday 10/31

Run: November Project.  It was a scheduled rest day for me. But when I realized that it was Halloween AND November Project’s last workout in Logan Square, I decided to put on my dragon onesie one last time.  I biked over to the workout (and got some interesting looks in my dragon costume) and had fun rolling pumpkins around.  After, we went to Sip of Hope, an INCREDIBLE coffee shop in Logan Square where 100% of the profits go towards suicide prevention and mental health education.  If you live in Chicago, go visit!

Other: METCON.  In the afternoon, I was able to make it to another On Your Mark class.  Little did I know that it was another METCON class.  My glutes were quite tired at the end.


November project chicago halloween



Thursday 11/1

Run: SPEED.  Another dark morning on the 606 with Al. 2 X 1 mi at 13.1 descend to 10K,  3 X .5 mi at 5K, 5 X .1 mi at mile pace.  This workout was difficult. I ran my “mile pace” slower than the mile repeats at the beginning of the workout.  I’ve had three Thursday workouts in a row that have been hard for me, so I talked with my coach about modifying things for next week.  I think it’s mostly paces that I have to change – currently the pace card I have planned is for a 3:11 marathon which is not realistic.  This workout was definitely a confidence buster, so I’m hopeful that next week will be better!

Other: METCON.  My schedule seems to be such that I can only make METCON classes at On Your Mark.  Just doing the warm-up, my legs were tired and I could feel my glutes.  Overall a great class though.  I can tell I am progressing because even with all the strength this week I could lift heavier weights than last month.


new training cycle strength classes

Friday 11/2

Run: Easy Zone 2.  I skipped November Project because I had to lead teacher trainings at 8:30 and had to do more than a “car shower” before work.  Just a short zone 2 run around the city instead.

Other: Nothing.  No extra strength classes, no hanging out with friends.  And it was glorious.


Saturday 11/3

Run: Long run with hills.  Back to Saturday morning group runs with EDGE!   They only had 6 miles scheduled, so when we returned to the gym, I continued on until I totaled 12 miles with about 2.5 miles of hills.  While there aren’t many hills in Chicago, I ran up and over a few bridges.

Other: Book Club + rock climbing.  My afternoon was filled with November Project events.  A few of the girls got together for a book club brunch to discuss The Girl Before.  It’s kind of a fluffy thriller but we still managed to have a deep conversation.  Then we went to Brooklyn Boulders for an afternoon of rock climbing with about 30 other NP friends.  Although I had a lot of fun, I am TERRIBLE at rock climbing – you’re supposed to use your legs, but I rely too much on my arms.  My friend Sippi snapped a photo of me struggling on the wall.


new training cycle


Sunday 11/4

Run: Pool Run + Agility.  Easy 30 minutes in the pool followed by 15 minutes of agility and resistance band work.  It’s just the beginning of a new training cycle, so nothing too crazy.  SO HAPPY that we gained an hour of sleep! I think I ended up sleeping 11 hours which is insane for me.

Other:  Recipe testing.  For book club, I made savory squash waffles and I spend Sunday morning tweaking the recipe before watching the New York City Marathon.  Stay tuned for that soon!



And that’s a wrap!  It was a great week to kick off the new training cycle.  Lots of strength classes, the start of group Saturday runs, and good times with friends between. In total, I ran 40 miles, cycled 15 miles (commuting), and attended 4 strength classes.  I’m looking forward to running the F3 Half Marathon again this year.  This will be the only race that I’ve run more than 3 times!  Like I said before, if you are interested in running, you can use code BECCA2019 for either the 5k or half.  Train with me this winter!


Are you in off-season or starting a new training cycle again?  What’s your favorite part about winter training?   Let’s stay in touch!  Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more food/fitness related posts.  


Happy running,



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Kimberly Hatting
5 years ago

Wow, that certainly was an active week! You’re lucky to have such a huge network of fellow runners and exercise enthusiasts in your immediate area. I’m jealous!!

5 years ago

Hooray for a new training cycle! I love that you took off a good amount of time before jumping right back into training. Our bodies definitely need that break!

Congrats on a great week of workouts!

fairytales and fitness

Oh my! I can only imagine seeing someone biking down the road in a dragon costume! I bet you made a bunch of people smile though! -M

5 years ago

All the best with your new training cycle. You’re off to a strong start! My favorite part of winter training is never having to deal with heat. I count my blessings for every week I can run outside though!

5 years ago

Sounds like a strong week! I love to hear about your workouts and the variety you fit in. it’s awesome! I hear you about adjusting the workout paces for where I am right now…going through that in my current training for Houston and its a little disheartening, but hey, I’m healthy and running.

Always impressed by how you fit it all in! That day with 3 meals and 3 outfits…how do you pack it? Please share your tips!

5 years ago

We have METCON at CrossFit but it has too many CrossFit specific moves for me (like snatches and muscle ups). I much prefer the Bootcamp, which still has strength components but more cardio. It just seems more accessable for me. I don’t want to be struggling with the moves. I’d rather get a good workout.

I want to do a half in January, but I”m not sure I want to do one here! If the pieces fall into place, I’m looking at Mobile with Holly. We’ll see.