Chicago Marathon Peak Week Training

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown. Recapping Chicago Marathon peak week training!  It’s taper time, thank goodness. Linking up with hosts Deborah and Kim for this weekly training recap.


chicago marathon peak week speed workout
Leading drills Tuesday morning


Monday 9/16

Run: Speed.  With the dark mornings, I cannot safely do my speed workout before coaching Sprint Tuesday.  Instead, I’ve switched it to Mondays.  Nothing like starting peak week off with a bang!  Except this was so terrible.  3x 1000, 3x 800, 3x 400, 3x 200.  Everything felt hard this morning, like my legs couldn’t work right.  Each rep I became more and more discouraged, finally deciding to shut it down after the 400s.  I don’t consider myself a quitter, so the rest of the day I was disappointed with ending early.  But sometimes throwing in the towel on a workout is the best decision.

Other:  Strength.  After a botched morning workout, I headed to ‘Arms, Abs and Ass’ strength class at EDGE.  My mood hadn’t really improved, but I had a few friends in the class who lifted my spirits.



Tuesday 9/17

Run: Easy.  After coaching the Sprint Tuesday group in another fartlek whistle workout, and another September birthday celebration, I ran an easy 10 miles.  On the run, I discovered a wildlife sanctuary behind the track that had all these fun trails!  Isn’t it wonderful when you discover a new running path in a place you’ve been running forever?

Other: Cubs Game.  In the evening, I joined my brother and his girlfriend at the Cubs game.  It was our last of the season and sadly they lost.  But, it was nice spending time catching up.


chicago marathon peak week long mid week easy run


Wednesday 9/18

Run: Easy + Strength class.   I had a very stressful and early day of work, so I chose to push my workout to Thursday to have more time.  Legs still felt heavy, and I think the training load of the build weeks finally caught up to me.  Mentally too I was out of sorts, feeling just blah.   Luckily because I pushed my workout to tomorrow, I could join Robyn’s strength class.   Did an easy 4 miles afterwards.

Other: Massage.  Saw my girl Justyna for a much needed massage.  I hoped that the junkiness I felt Monday was just because I hadn’t had a chance to get a massage or see my chiro for a few weeks.  Since this was peak week, I also started my marathon nutrition and hydration window today.  Basically trying to drink at least 100 ounces of water a day between now and the long run, and mimicking my race week nutrition plan as closely as possible.  Gotta practice everything during peak week!




Thursday 9/19

Run: Tempo.  The workout was variation of last week’s crescendo.  4x through .75 miles at marathon pace and .75 miles at half pace.  After Monday’s terribleness, I was really looking for a win.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get one.  My legs felt dead and the 95% humidity did not help.  Wanted to stop multiple times, but didn’t want to quit on myself two workouts in a row.  It wasn’t pretty, and it wasn’t anywhere near my paces, but I finished.  I spent the rest of the day questioning if I am overtrained, and coming up with alternative scenarios for Chicago.  One of them included me saying “screw it all” and running a trail marathon the day before so that I could cheer instead.  Really hoping the Taper Fairy waves her magic wand and I get some mojo back over these next three weeks.

Other: Teaching.  I have now officially taken over as instructor for the Thursday night Edge class and I am thrilled!  Think of how many themed “Throwback Thursday” workouts I can do!  Plus Halloween falls on a Thursday this year – yes I already looked ahead because I am that excited.  Today’s workout was tough, each round of workouts ended with a one minute plank before getting a chance to rest.  Athletes were giving me a lot of side eye, but hung tough.  My day ended on a high note.


chicago marathon peak week strength workout
I like to replace words with artwork to make it more fun and distract the athletes… can you tell what the 2 exercises are?


Friday 9/20

Run: Rest day.  I probably should have made Wednesday my rest day in hindsight, given how trashed I felt.  Oh well.  No running today, but I did take my baseline test for the EDGE pull-up contest.  It’s a 4 week contest to see how much you can improve from your baseline.  Well, my baseline is currently just a 60 second dead hang because I can’t do a pull-up, nor have I ever been able to.  So, only up from here, right?



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Oh hey, just over here hanging out, looking longingly at the pull up bar 🙃 It’s been a goal of mine to do a pull up ever since 6th grade when I couldn’t do one for the middle school fitness test. Still haven’t done one, most of it was avoidance because a warped body image believing I was too heavy to pull myself up over the bar. The other part was that as a runner I thought it wasn’t important because duh, you run with your legs 💁🏻‍♀️ But having a strong upper body helps with posture and stabilization (so no looking like a cashew gremlin at the end of a race🐉) and helps with strong arm swing (and for running, whatever your arms do your legs follow) So. Currently embracing my weaknesses so I can destroy them later when I get above the bar 💪 And it all starts with a simple dead hang (and accountabilibuddies of course @coachshawna @maeve.eileen_ @edgeathletelounge 💚🙌 . . . . . #pulluptraining #pullup #icanandiwill #completeathlete #edgefallpullupcontest #doitfortheteeshirt 🐶 #edgefam #runningcoach #marathontraining #runnergirl #irunthisbody #rungrateful #fitgirls #ultrarunner #chicagofit #chicagorunning #nikewomen #justdoit

Un post condiviso da Becca Menke | MAEd | Coach (@rabbitfoodruns) in data:

Saturday 9/21

Run: Long run.  For training, I treat the peak week long run like it is race day.  Same out fit, same breakfast, same nutrition and hydration plan.  Kaityln was in town and we decided to run together at Heartbreak Running Co’s supported peak week long run.  After meeting at the store, we bused to Washington Park in a far south neighborhood and ran back along the lakefront.

It was lovely to see Kaitlyn and catch up about life and training and work.  My legs and mind felt WAY better too.  There’s something about point-to-point runs that make them mentally easier, and because I was so far south on the path, it was like running in a new place.  Kaitlyn and I held about an 8:20 average until she peeled off at mile 13, and then I averaged 7:55 for the rest.  Ended with an 8:08 average for 21 miles and considered that a huge win for the week.

Other: Wedding. In the evening, I went to Kristen + Gianni’s wedding.  I know the couple through November Project, and there was a good group of us there.  Some I had not seen in years because they had moved, so that was a treat.  The evening was a beautiful and full of dancing, good beer and lots of fun (even though the picture below doesn’t look like it…).


peak week training weeding




Sunday 9/22

Run: Easy.  Schedule called form an 8 mile trail run but it had poured the night before.  Around the lakefront it was!  To lessen the impact on the legs (they were Tin-Man-esque from the 21 miles and dancing), I ran on the grass next to the path.

Other:  Yoga.  Finished off peak week with a hip-opening yoga class with Fran.  Namaste.


peak week easy run
A grey rainy Sunday morning


And that’s a wrap!  Chicago Marathon peak week complete!  I peaked for the marathon at just over 58 miles.  Even though my week started rough with the two terrible speed workouts, it ended on a high note.  I am so looking forward to taper, and do not think I will get the terrible taper tantrums I used to as a result of my general sense of blah.  This training cycle has certainly been one to remember.  For now it’s time to taper and time to bubble wrap myself until race day.


How was your week?  What preparation do you do during peak week? Let’s stay in touch!  Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more food/fitness related posts.  



Happy running,






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Lisa @ TechChick Adventures

I told everyone I was in bubble wrap mode before my last marathon 🙂 Race week I try to get a lot more rest because I always seem to catch a cold during my taper weeks! I’m sure that has something to do with my body’s “guard” being down. I’m sure you will find your mojo soon. Great week of training!

4 years ago

That path looks divine. I love discovering new places to run!

I always feel that you want to get those terrible runs out of the way and then you’ll have a great race. Doesn’t always work that way, of course, but it’s the end of your training cycle, and yes, you’re bound to be tired. Doesn’t mean you’re overtrained. Good that you have options if you truly think you are!

I bet as you rest up you’re going to feel a whole lot better about everything.

4 years ago
Reply to  Becca

Glad to hear it & I’m not surprised! Have a great taper.

4 years ago

Sorry you had some rough workouts this week, but you really finished strong! Its so normal to have some of those harder workouts during peak weeks. Enjoy the taper!

4 years ago

I want to try out my race day outfit on an upcoming 18/20. I will be able to try one — it just won’t be cool enough to try capris if I need to go that route
Glad you were able to pull out a happy ending after frustrating start

4 years ago

Happy that the week ended on a high note! Peak week is always hard but you really mastered all the ups and downs this week. Now it’s time to enjoy the taper 🙂

Deborah Brooks
4 years ago

wow I would say that ending your week with 21 miles is a win! Glad to see your week got better

Kim at Running on the Fly
Kim at Running on the Fly
4 years ago

Glad to hear the week ended on a super high note!! Marathon training ain’t for sissies, right? It’s gotta be tough to get us to the start line 😉