Weekly Wrap 23

Welcome to Weekly Wrap 23!  This was week 14 of Earth Day 50k training, and week 2 of taper.  It was really busy – partially due to filling up my taper time with different events and traveling to Boston for the Boston Marathon.  Hip is still working at about 80%, but that’s better than last week! I’m just resting, relaxing, and trying not to think about it or my race. Linking up with Holly and Wendy to bring you Weekly Wrap 23. 


Weekly Wrap 23


Monday 4/9

Run:  Woke up to snow and wanted to cry.  It took me forever to get out of the house for an easy 5 miles.  Then the highway was a PARKING LOT and I sat for 40 minutes barely moving a mile.  Rough way to start a Monday.  The good news is I was able to make it to the EDGE WOD class for lots of bicycle abs and medicine ball burpees.

Other: For book club, we are reading Option B by Sheryl Sandburg.  It’s about how to develop resiliency, build strength to face life’s challenges, and ultimately find joy.  Part emotional, part research-based, I am really enjoying the book and learning how to better support friends and family through traumatic events and prepare myself for what might happen in the future.  Since I’m listening to an audiobook version, I got through a lot during my commute today!

Tuesday 4/10

Run:  Last hard speed workout before my race!  Due to the rain, I did an 8 mile fartlek(ish) on the treadmill.  The “ish” being that I alternated between speed and hills.  After a warmup I did 2x through .5mi tempo, .75 recovery at a 6% incline, .25 recovery at at 4% incline.  Then I did an alternating tempo/incline portion, varying between .25 mi and .75 for speed and .5 and 1 mile for the inclines.  The speed felt good, but during the inclines my hip and hamstring started to pinch.  I was so frustrated by the end I was in a cranky mood the rest of the morning.

Other:  In the afternoon, I went on a very slow easy 6 mile run with Jon.  My hip felt better on flat pavement (I had rolled and lasered at EDGE) so my mood was better.  Plus, I finished my work and had time on my hands to play around in the kitchen.  Toast Tuesday never looked so good.


Wednesday 4/11

Run:  Strength class in the morning (tabata pyramid!) and then went for an easy 5 miles on the 606.  I was able to get a last minute appointment with Dr. Ryan too to work on my hip too.

Other:  In the evening, I went to Scott Jurek’s book signing at the Davis Theater.  Scott Jurek is a very influential person in my life.  Way back in 2013, I read his book Eat & Run after completing my first marathon.  It was the reason I transitioned to a vegan diet and my first introduction to ultramarathons.  Both of which were huge factors in helping me recover from an eating disorder.  His new book, North, details his experiences with attempting to break the speed record for hiking the Appalachian Trail.  After the talk, he signed copies, and I shared my story with him.


Scott Jurek North book signing


Thursday 4/12

Run:  It was a GLORIOUS day outside.  I wore SHORTS! Helloooooo white legs! Initially, I was going to save my long run or tomorrow, but I decided to just keep running.  Went all 10 miles, super easy pace.  My hip felt about 80%, but I couldn’t tell if soreness was from injury or my visit yesterday.  Overall it was an OK final long run.

Other:  Capitalizing on the warm weather, I went to the Cubs game in the afternoon with Jon.  First of the season! I had a beer which I RARELY do during taper, but with all the hip frustration I needed one.  Plus it was the first nice day all year and I felt like celebrating.


Cubs Game Weekly Wrap 23


Friday 4/13

Run: I had another debate with my snooze button in the morning but ultimately got out of bed for November Project.  I wanted the hugs and positive energy in the morning.  I Divvyed to the workout instead of running and joined in with the Injury Deck to do some core moves. Since I didn’t have to work today, I stayed at breakfast until 8am afterwards, catching up with friends I hadn’t seen in a while.

Other:  In the afternoon, I flew out to Boston. Like last year, I decided to cheer and not run.  My best friend, Elyse, lives there with her husband.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to spend time with her and surround myself with the running community for a weekend.  After the ups and downs I’ve felt these last weeks with my hip and hamstring, I just wanted to get away for a few days.  Plus I got to meet her new puppy, Riley!



Saturday 4/14

Run:  In the morning, I joined other Nuun Ambassadors for the Nuun at Noon event.  We met at the Westin (check out their Run Westin program if you travel) and ran and easy 3 miles to the Charles River and back. I enjoyed being able to meet people I had interacted with over social media in person, as well as giving advice to first time Boston Marathoners. The weather was perfect and I left in high spirits.

Other:  In the afternoon, Elyse and I headed over to the Seaport neighborhood to join Lululemon and Ciele’s Everybody Run.  There were about 50 people in attendance! The winds over in this neighborhood were stronger and the temperature was about 15 degrees colder than before; Elyse and I were glad this fun run ended up being only 2.5 miles!  Afterwards, we mingled at Tuscan Kitchen, enjoying “Run on Saison,” a beer Lululemon made in collaboration with Mystic Brewery.



Sunday 4/15

Run: No run today due to taper.  Did a mini stretch routine that I give to athletes and joined Elyse and Riley on a morning walk.

Other: Elyse and I hit up the Boston Marathon Expo.  I can’t visit for a marathon and NOT go to the Expo! While I loved seeing the deals and being able to try out the new gels, fuel and drinks, I really went for the energy and excitement.  I’m still feeling so out of sorts about my hip and hamstring that I just wanted to surround myself with runner vibes.  It totally worked and I left feeling as excited and happy as if I were running.




And that’s a wrap!  This week of taper I ran 41 miles, my lowest since the week of the F3 Half Marathon.  I’m spending the rest of Sunday hanging with Elyse indoors – the weather is cold, snowy and gross.  We’ll catch up with friends Annabelle and Cindy later for dinner and then get ready to spectate tomorrow’s race! I can’t wait for the elite race, I hope Shalane wins!


How was your week? What book are you currently reading?  Will you be watching the Boston Marathon on Monday?  Let’s stay in touch!  Follow me on Instagram  or Facebook for more food/fitness related posts.  


Happy running,




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Amy @ Life to the Full

That was an action packed week! I would love to meet Scott Jurek someday – what a cool opportunity. I’m glad you were able to enjoy the Boston atmosphere in person! I haven’t been back since 2012 but I love to follow Marathon Monday online ateast 🙂

6 years ago

I used to work for a company that sponsors Scott Jurek and he’d come through all the time to consult on design. How cool that you got to meet him! I want to read that book.

Thanks so much for coming to cheer at Boston! I heard the crowds were smaller this year due to weather but it still seemed like a lot to me and the energy definitely helped keep me going. There’s a reason that everyone cites the crowds at this fantastic race!

Montana Ross
6 years ago

I’m live streaming the marathon at work (I work in a running store so it fits haha) and I cried when Des won! What an amazing accomplishment! I would love to spectate Boston someday.

Shathiso @thegaboronerunner.com

Sounds like your hip is making great progress towards 100% functionality and so glad that 10 miler went okay. Enjoy the taper and try not to stress too much about the hip (easier said than done I know!). I just had my first Book Club meeting last week – we started with a book called Home Going by Yaa Gyasi. The next one is “What if this is heaven” by Anita Moorjani. Still have to get my copy but it sounds quite interesting!

6 years ago

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend in Boston. 41 miles sounds like a lot for a taper week! Your training is fantastic, especially considering the injury. Hope you are 100% by race time!

6 years ago

Have a great time spectating tomorrow! hopefully the weather ends up better than forecasted…I know a lot of my friends are dreading it, but honestly, they trained in Minnesota all winter, I feel like they’ll be better prepared for cold and rainy than the hot/humid of last year.

I hope your injuries settle down in time for your race.

I’d love to run on the 606 next time I’m in Chicago! Well, when I’m recovered.

Great week!

fairytales and fitness

How exciting to be in Boston during this time! Have fun spectating for the race tomorrow. I hope the weather isn’t too bad!

Kimberly Hatting
6 years ago

I”d love to be in Boston…any other year but this year, LOL, because the weather. I was so excited to run in shorts on Thursday, too 😉 For that brief afternoon outing, it felt like summer 😉

6 years ago

Gosh, I bet spectating Boston has to be almost as much fun as running it (and easier, too!). Take it easy this week and let the hip calm down!


I feel you pain, literally, regarding the hip. I’ve been dealing with a cranky hip flexor for several weeks. After several weeks of low mileage, pool running, stretching and a couple of massages ..it’s finally calming down. So frustrating! How fun to be in Boston for the marathon! I can only imagine the energy and excitement filling the city! I’ll be watching on TV in the morning. Have fun and good luck with your Ultra!

Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner

You just reminded me that I wanted to read Option B. Too many books so little time! have a great time spectating tomorrow I bet it’s so much fun to be up there in the midst of it all

6 years ago

Glad that your hip is feeling better!

So cool that you are in Boston for all the race weekend activities! I can only imagine what the energy is like in the city.