Chicago Marathon Training Week 13

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown. Recapping Chicago Marathon training week 13.  This week was filled with glorious weather, a long weekend, and more coaching miles.  There are only five weeks left until race day!  Linking up with hosts Deborah and Kim for this weekly training recap.


chicago marathon training week 13


Monday 9/2

Run: Speed.  With the later sunrises, it’s been a challenge to finish my speed before coaching on Tuesday mornings.  So, I took advantage of the day off work and ran a track workout.  The workout was tough: 1 mi fartlek and then 1000s and 200s.  My hamstring was acting up and I felt like I couldn’t fully extend my left leg.  However, once I finished and actually looked at all the splits, they were right on the money.  Sleeping in, getting a good breakfast and not stressing about fitting it in before work all certainly helped!  Can we have holidays every week?


chicago marathon training week 13 speed workout


Tuesday 9/3

Run: Easy.  Ran an easy 3.5 miles while coaching Sprint Tuesday.  Luckily the rain held off for the workout, but as soon as we gathered to take the picture it started to storm.  I finished up miles on the treadmill when I got to EDGE for a total of 6 easy for the day.

Other: First Day of School!! The school year has once again started in CPS.  Luckily this year it looks like I will not have the crazy overloaded caseload I had last year (knock on wood, knock on wood, crossing all my fingers and toes).  I’m looking forward to meeting some new teachers and getting back into a routine.  Someone please remind me of this when I start complaining around Winter Break, ha!


sprint Tuesday free chicago fitness chicago marathon training week 13


Wednesday 9/4

Run: Tempo.  Unfortunately, I missed Single Leg Day workout class because I had a tempo workout.  BUT, this tempo was a big confidence boost.  It was alternating .75 mi at marathon pace and tempo pace.  Marathon pace felt like a breeze – I was easily holding 7:15 and under.  While I think that my actual pace will be closer to 7:30, it was a good reminder that I am not as unfit as I have been feeling.


Other:  NEW RECIPE!  As I look for ways to add in more dietary fats to my diet (healthy fats that give me more omega-3s), I’ve started experimenting with new recipes.  These savory pumpkin seed date bars were inspired by the concept of seed cycling and a few recipes I found as I was researching.  The recipes I found were all sweet, but as readers know I love savory foods.  I tinkered around with spices (my two go-tos: turmeric and garam masala) and poof – savory pumpkin seed snack bars!


savory pumpkin seed snack bars

Thursday 9/5

Run: Easy.  You know how sometimes an easy run can feel even harder than a workout?  That was me today.  I ran an easy 5 miles but it might have well been 50.  I laid into my foam roller for a good 20 minutes after this!

Other: Work.  I spent the rest of the day training a new hire for the organization.  I am beyond thrilled to have another bilingual coach on board to share the work load! Already my stress level is way down.


Friday 9/6

Run: Long run.  Got up early to fit in my long run before work.  17 miles on the trails, 10 of those with Katie.  Running trail on Friday was a treat – very few mountain bikers!  When we stopped to take a picture by my favorite tree, a running couple came by and stopped to chat.  They were doing recon for a trail adventure race they’re hosting next weekend.  When I mentioned that I was planning a similar event for later in October and another in February, they offered to lend me their gear or put me in touch with sponsors.  Just another example of why I love the trail running community! (Details on my two events coming soon!)


chicago marathon training week 13 trail run


Saturday 9/7

Run: Another long run.  Spent the morning coaching the EDGE marathon training group and accumulated another 12-ish miles with them.  The weather was GLORIOUS.  Perfect temperature.  Perfect humidity. A golden sunrise.  Magic.  I had planned a super scenic route because initially media was coming out to take photos and videos of the runners, but they didn’t show up.  The group loved the route – we ran south along the path over to the Planetarium and Northerly Island – hitting all the top skyline views of the city.  I was thankful to have the scenic distraction and group because after the long run yesterday and nine days in a row of running, my legs were toast.


chicago marathon training week 13
Golden sunrise along the lakefront


Sunday 9/8

Run: Yoga.  No running today, just a quick strength and yoga class.  I definitely need to stretch!

Other: Brunch with the fam.  Planning on heading to an early birthday brunch with the family later today (my birthday is next week).  Then just relaxing and getting ready for a full week of work.



And that’s a wrap for Chicago Marathon training week 13! I totaled 55 miles for the week, with two solid speed workouts and lots of coaching miles.  It’s hard to believe that Chicago Marathon is just 5 weeks away!  This is the time of the cycle when I typically start to feel unprepared and doubt everything, so I am preemptively preparing with some mental check ins:

Reminding myself that my ultimate goal is to have fun and to run a race that makes me feel like a rockstar. Reminding myself to be where my feet are and focus on the mile that I am currently in, not the miles that are to come or the miles that have brought me here.  Trusting the process and knowing that of course the training feels hard now, I’m not tapered!  Granted, I’m not perfect, but by beginning these mental check ins now, I can hopefully stave off the taper crazies.


How was your week?  Let’s stay in touch!  Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more food/fitness related posts.  



Happy running,






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Lisa @ TechChick Adventures

Hope you have a great birthday! My husband’s birthday was on Sept 9th, and I know 4 other people with the same birthday. It’s a popular month for sure!

4 years ago

Sounds like such a glorious week! I hear you on the hard easy runs! And confidence boosting tempos are the best! Happy birthday this week.

4 years ago

Happy early birthday!
What a great scenic route, so gorgeous
And yes, holidays make getting all the things done so much easier
Good luck with the school year

4 years ago

Awesome workouts this week! Alternating marathon pace and tempo is a good one 🙂 Love following your training!

4 years ago

That golden sunrise is amazing! I’m coming to Chicago for work this week and hope I get to see a #runrise. Good luck with the new school year.

4 years ago

You are right–the weather was amazing this week! I had some good runs as well. Not a lot of miles, but more than I’ve had in a long time. Fingers crossed that the tide is turning.

4 years ago

Seems like we both have the same goal for Chicago – have fun and finish the race in a good mood!

Kim at Running on the Fly
Kim at Running on the Fly
4 years ago

Great reminder on being where your feet are! That is such a basic thing, but I ALWAYS seem to forget about it when I’m in the middle of a race. Gosh, you are a beast (in a nice way) for running those two back-to-back long runs!

Deborah Brooks
4 years ago

Sleeping in and not stressing always helps with running. You really got in some great mileage this week. Nice job!