Transitions and Moving: Dealing with Internal Uncertainty

Sunday evening, I attended another Thoughtluck on transitions and moving.  What’s a Thoughtluck? A gathering of friends, acquaintances, and new faces, all to discuss a deep meaningful topic over some food (I always use it as an opportunity to recipe test– this time Chocolate Nutzo Cookies).  I wrote about the Thoughluck

March Mental State + Ultramarathon Training Week 8

This week was hard.   Not physically hard. In fact, it was a cutback week, and my legs felt great!   No, this week was one of those mentally hard weeks. Those emotionally hard weeks. Those weeks when I trip and fall into the depression ditch.   Who am I

Recovery and PRs: My 2016

I can’t pinpoint the moment.  The exact moment when it happened.  When the scales (ironically) tipped and my logical brain began to speak louder than my eating disorder brain.  When I started viewing food as fuel and not as the enemy.  When I was okay with eating two-thousand calories a day instead