Changes and 2017 Goals

Hi friends, This year I am starting some exciting new changes and taking on some big goals, both in my personal life and on my blog.  They’re pretty lofty, but I know they’re totally doable, and I can’t wait to tackle them.   What better way to share them with the

Recovery and PRs: My 2016

I can’t pinpoint the moment.  The exact moment when it happened.  When the scales (ironically) tipped and my logical brain began to speak louder than my eating disorder brain.  When I started viewing food as fuel and not as the enemy.  When I was okay with eating two-thousand calories a day instead

Over Training for a Marathon: How can I Stop and Recover?

Over training during marathon season is something I constantly struggle with. What is over training?  Over training is doing too much exercise without letting your body time to rest and recover between exercise.  As a result, performance can suffer.   I am a Type A person, very competitive, and have